Third-grader Stella Erhart totally rocks. Since second grade, she's gone to school every day dressed as a historical figure, ranging from Queen Elizabeth to crooner Billie Holiday to Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist Aung San Suu Kyi. How encouraging to see a young girl find self-expression while also educating herself and others.
Another young girl comes to mind, one from the other side of the world: Malala Yousufzai, the 14-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl whom the Taliban tried to assassinate barely a week ago. She spoke up to defend her right to education, and they shot her in the head. Let me repeat it, in case the utter wrongness of that statement didn't strike you the first time. She wanted to be able to go to school, and they shot her in the head.
Yes, the world in which a girl like Stella Erhart can not only go to school but also emulate hundreds of women role models, is also the same world where some girls can look forward to being child brides or facing death merely for wanting to improve their minds.
Stella, I hope you'll choose to dress as Malala one of these days. And Malala, all my fervent hopes for your full recovery and continued activism. I share your vision for girls the world over to be able to flourish intellectually and expressively like Stella.
Plus, you've got more balls than all the Taliban combined.