Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pithy Bits

I'm a theatre fanatic. Particularly musical theatre. Therefore musings pertinent to the aforementioned will abound.

So, for today: Sweeney Todd by Stephen Sondheim. Considered by some to be the greatest work of musical theatre in the 20th century. Winner of eight Tony Awards in 1979, and two more for the 2006 revival. Songs considered to be some of the most difficult in vocal repertoire. The movie adaptation by Tim Burton starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter set to hit theatres this December. You get the drift.

So of course I'm going to show my reverence by being irreverent:

Sweeney, baby, you need to get some real friends, not the razor-and-chair variety.

For information on awards, songs, and productions:
The libretto:

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